The missions/objectives are:
- To create and sustain a process of learning in which students are given a broadly based university experience, a well-rounded education that enhances the development of creativity and critical thinking, and inculcates a strong sense of social awareness.
- To create a dynamic and supportive working environment in which faculty and staff may continuously develop intellectually and professionally
- To contribute to the development of the nation in close cooperation with government and industry in promoting sustainable technologies, contributing to economic development, and improving the quality of life of the country’s citizens.
- To provide knowledge-based technological services to meet the needs of society, with a focus on urban development.
- To help in building national capabilities in technology education.
- To build strong relationships between the School, government and industry.
- To preserve and enrich Ethiopia’s natural and cultural heritage.
- To produce properly qualified engineers which can fit for the country’s growing industry and meet the GTP goal.
- To carry out research and development activities in areas relevant to the needs of the country
- To render consultancy services to the community
- To build up University-Industry Linkages so as to work on technology transfer and provide relevant trainings to the stakeholder /personnel/ in industries as well as Government suited for their requirements.
- To create strong international links and relations in the way that will support realization of the vision.
- To enable graduates work as a team in addressing engineering problems which the community come across.
- To encourage students in research that offers optimal solution to technical problems in the manufacturing industries, construction, energy sector, telecommunication, computer applications and other industry sectors.
With the current organization structure, it will be very difficult to realize this big vision. So there is a need for restructuring the organization structure for the College.